The power of feedback

Feedback – The Growth Catalyst Feedback is more than just words. It’s an invaluable tool that fosters understanding, improvement, and growth. In...

Giving feedback

The Art of Constructive Communication When offering feedback, remember it’s not just about what you say but how you say it. Here are some guidelines:...

Receiving and responding to feedback

Embrace, Learn, and Grow Receiving feedback is an opportunity to: Always acknowledge feedback, and remember, every piece of advice is a step towards...

Celebrating achievements with praise

The Power of Recognition Praise is more than just words of encouragement. It’s an affirmation of effort, skill, and determination. In Socyal, praise...

Sending praise

Boost Morale, One Praise at a Time When you recognize someone’s effort:...

Celebrating team successes

Together We Achieve More Team successes are milestones that mark collective efforts. Celebrating them:...

Additional engagement tools

Diverse Tools for Diverse Interactions Socyal is equipped with an array of tools designed to make every interaction meaningful, personalized, and engaging....

Relative positioning

See Where You Stand Relative positioning allows individuals to understand their standing in comparison to peers, helping:...

Absolute star ratings

Quantify Excellence With star ratings, appreciate the quality of contributions in an absolute manner. Whether it’s a task, project, or interaction, star...

Relative sliders

A Comparative Insight Relative sliders allow for a dynamic evaluation based on comparative performance or attributes. They:...

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